Vermont Grown Trees


Raised Right Here, to Fight Climate Change Everywhere!


Trees for Sale




Hi! I’m Chris.

Boro Hill Nursery (BHN) is a sustainably run tree nursery sprouted from the same Monkton land that raised me as a child. I started BHN to pursue stewardship, community engagement and environmental activism; by planning and planting for a better future with social and ecological ecosystems at the center of the BHN business model.  

Climate change is real, and our planet needs more thriving trees in order to adapt to these ever changing and uncertain times. I strive to keep my trees sustainably affordable by focusing on selling locally here in Vermont, and by embracing innovative growing technologies that help BHN maintain a small resource footprint. BHN also helps produce fellow environmental activists by working with customers at every phase of the process to ensure they’re equipped with the knowledge they need to choose the right trees best suited to their habitat, as well as how to care for and maintain their trees long after planting. 

According to renowned conservationist Aldo Leopold, “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic (or human) community.” To that end, BHN grows superior cultivars of hardy and disease resistant fruit, shade and ornamental trees. My trees are proven hardy because they haven’t been grown in plastic containers and shipped in from elsewhere, they’re raised right here in Monkton, Vermont. My trees are ecologically grown in soil that has been nourished with organic fertilizer and sustained with homemade compost. And my trees are carefully pruned by my hands and screened with my discerning eyes.

I stand behind my trees because I know where they come from and I know how they have been raised. If you want to join in the fight against climate change by enhancing your local habitat I would love to hear from you.  

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is right now.

Buying locally grown trees and designing biologically diverse landscapes is a form of climate activism, a nod to community engagement, and is in defiance of monoculture.